Most people decide that they need a financial advisor when they’re within a couple of years of retirement, so it makes sense that most of the folks we work with are over the age of 50. But we do work with a lot of younger clients as well, especially the children of our retiree and pre-retiree clients…
Client Ages
- Under 35 (22%)
- Ages 36-49 (14%)
- Ages 50-64 (29%)
- Ages 65+ (35%)
- Under 35 (22%)
- Ages 36-49 (14%)
- Ages 50-64 (29%)
- Ages 65+ (35%)
We don't have specific net worth requirements for new clients and serve people with varying levels of wealth...
Investable Assets
- Less than $500,000 (17%)
- $500,000 to $1 million (35%)
- $1-2 million (31%)
- $2 million + (17%)
- Less than $500,000 (17%)
- $500,000 to $1 million (35%)
- $1-2 million (31%)
- $2 million + (17%)
While we don't have a net worth requirement, we do require that our clients are honest, easy to get along with, and in possession of a sense of humor...
- People We Like (100%)
- People We Like (100%)